
Thursday, September 3, 2020


Israel is very blessed when it comes to technology. Israel is a small country in the middle-east. The country is so small one can run from east to west in 2 hours.

They have some of the best scientists in the world. They have invented so many amazing things such as voice mail technology, the IDF that is used to save people after an earthquake or other disasters, Waze, mobile mapping program, and many more inventions.

When it comes to agriculture, Israel still ranks among the top countries in the world. Despite the country being dry and stony, they still grow a variety of crops. This is because of their favourable climate condition, they grow a variety of crops throughout the year.

Israel is a world leader in agricultural research and development, which has led to dramatic increases in the quantity and quality of the country's crops. The drive to increase yields and crop quality has led to the development of new seed and plant varieties, as well as to innovations.

The Agritech Exhibition of Israel holds once every three years. It is one of the leading international events of its kind to showcase Israel and international agriculture technologies. It traditionally attracts many Ministers of Agriculture, decision-makers, experts, practitioners and trainers in agriculture, and thousands of visitors. 

It provides an opportunity to see at one site the latest developments in agricultural sector and advanced agro-technologies, especially in the fields of irrigation, water management, arid zone agriculture, intensive greenhouse cultivation, development of new seed varieties, and organic and ecologically-oriented agriculture.

See pictures below.



If there is any nation in the history of religion that has gotten an international, supernatural, boundless religious recognition, it is Israel. The holy book calls them 'Israel of God's that is to say, 'Israel that belong to God'.

This is what the country Israel is known for. Whenever Israel is mentioned, any Christian around would remember his Bible, because we first heard of Israel from it. Among all the stories we were told, one of the histories covered in the Bible is of the promise of a land that overflows with milk and honey, to a nation that God chose out of the whole world.

As promised, he gave them the land, even though it was not a child's play, it took them scores of years of sufferings, murmurings, rise and fall, warring, captivities and so on.

Not until it pleased their God to take them home. From then henceforth, their land has been blessed and caused to prosper.

Among all the nations of the world, agriculture in Israel remains in the top list as their agricultural technology has provided opportunities to advance and curtail many strenuous human labour.

To some point, Israelis were often invited to other countries to come and show their farmers the skillful know-how of farming.

Israel training farmers in Kenya

Israel training farmers in New Delhi, India

Israel training farmers in Ethiopia

Basically, Israel is known for its vertical system of farming, where all the lines are vertical with a considerable space between two hedges. The free space between is the walking space.

This is one of their technologies in agriculture. Using sensors to check the growth, development, seed size, growth and dimension and a lot of others.

See more pictures of their vertical section farming.

In this vein, Israel has been mixing nature with technology in farming and that is why these systems have been achievable. They technologically modify tomato species till they get their desired quality.

This is just a single section out of many in Israelis' farming system. Their technology is top-notch, their irrigation is exceptional, hence a bountiful harvest.

Information source: timesofisrael.com, israel21c.com, Google.

Indeed, God does not go back in his words, He promised to bless them beyond measures and sure, He did.

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